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모든 번역물

모든 번역물 - MÃ¥ddie

원문 언어
번역될 언어

약 592개 결과들 중 241 - 260
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원문 언어
이 번역의 "의미" 번역만을 요구합니다.
루마니아어 Din ce fund de Å£ară eÅŸti venită?
Din ce fund de ţară eşti venită?
na verdade não sei ao certo q língua é essa, axo q seja hungaro ou esloveno.

<edit> source-language flag from Hungarian to Romanian, and "din ce fund de tara ejti venita?" with "Din ce fund de ţară eşti venită?" </edit> (10/14/francky, thanks to Maddie's notification and edits)

완성된 번역물
영어 From what far away place of the country are you coming from?
원문 언어
영어 it`s traditional for us to wear the tiger skin to...
it`s traditional for us to wear the tiger skin to greet new guests and i couldn`t resist playing a trick on you.I hope you don`t mind.Recovering from the shock,we began to laugh with relief.

완성된 번역물
루마니아어 Pentru noi, este traditiÅ£ional să purtăm piele de tigru atunci când
원문 언어
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영어 5 Evaporative emissions control (EVAP) system 2...
5 Evaporative emissions
control (EVAP) system 2
General description
1 This system is fitted to minimise the escape
of unburned hydrocarbons into the
atmosphere. Fuel evaporative emissions
control systems are limited on vehicles
meeting 15.04 regulations; carburettor float
chambers are vented internally, whilst fuel
tanks vent to atmosphere through a combined
roll-over/anti-trickle-fill valve. On vehicles
meeting the more stringent emissions
regulations, the fuel tank filler
sunt foarte multi termeni tehnici

완성된 번역물
루마니아어 5 Sistem 2 control emisii prin evaporare (EVAP)...
원문 언어
영어 Railway engine
the contract concluded between Koyo Romania and SC Railway Import Export SRL its now void. If you are still interested to purchase this engine, Koyo Romania offered you a purchasing price of 27,400 EUR in term of delivery EXWorks.If you accept these terms, please inform us in order to conclude a contract between Koyo Romania and M.F. Costruzioni SRL and to do necessary arrangement for property transfer

완성된 번역물
루마니아어 Motor de locomotivă
원문 언어
Καληνύχτα μωρό μου
Καλή δουλειά Aλίνα μου
Σε σκέπτομαι πολύ καρδία μου
Φιλάκια πολλά

완성된 번역물
루마니아어 Mi-e dor de tine
원문 언어
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영어 Our love is alive And so we ...
Our love is alive
And so we begin
Foolishly layin' our hearts
On the table,
Stumblin' in
Our love is a flame
Burnin' within
Now and then
Fire light will catch us
Stumblin' in.
Wherever you go,
Whatever you do
You know these reckless thoughts
Of mine are followin' you

완성된 번역물
루마니아어 Dragostea noastră este vie Åži aÅŸa începem
원문 언어
그리스어 ευχαριστω τους μεταφραστες!!!!!
Καλησπέρα, μπορώ να πω ότι είμαι ερωτευμένος μαζί σου!!!
Από την ημέρα που σε γνώρισα (13/8/08) το κατάλαβα!
Κάτι έλαμψε μέσα μου , το ένοιωσα
Από εκείνη την μέρα σε σκέπτομαι συνέχεια, όπου και αν είμαι
Είσαι ότι πιο όμορφο έχω γνωρίσει στην ζωή μου!
Ότι και αν γίνει με εμάς τους δυο εγώ σε ευχαριστώ,
Για την ευτυχία που είχα να σε γνωρίσω
Είσαι υπέροχος άνθρωπος και σου αξίζει κάθε ευτυχία.
Φιλία πολλά

완성된 번역물
루마니아어 ευχαριστω τους μεταφραστες!!!!!
10원문 언어10
프랑스어 je me presse de rire de tout de peur d'etre...
Je me presse de rire de tout de peur d'etre obligé de pleurer

Optional : "je me presse d'en rire de tout de peur d'etre obligé d'enpleurer"
son origine :Beaumarchais LE BARBIER DE SEVILLE

svpl traduction aux plus exact

완성된 번역물
영어 I hasten to laugh at everything for fear of
루마니아어 Mă forÅ£ez să râd de orice, de frică de a nu ...
러시아어 Я тороплюсь смеяться...
헝가리어 Én rögtön mindenen nevetek, hogy ne legyek...
원문 언어
이 번역의 "의미" 번역만을 요구합니다.
네덜란드어 Maria en Vasile Constantin
Maria en Vasile Constantin van de Roemeense stichting "Jesus Hope of the Children" hopen deze dag ook op de verkoping aanwezig te zijn.

완성된 번역물
루마니아어 Maria ÅŸi Vasile Constantin
원문 언어
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브라질 포르투갈어 Voce é meu anjo.
Voce é meu anjo.

완성된 번역물
영어 You are my angel.
헝가리어 Te vagy az én angyalom.
루마니아어 Tu eÅŸti îngerul meu.
215원문 언어215
영어 live for today, learn from yesterday and hope for tomorrow.
live for today, learn from yesterday and hope for tomorrow.

완성된 번역물
프랑스어 Vis pour le présent, apprends du passé, espère pour
터키어 gün
이탈리아어 vivere oggi, imparare ...
스페인어 vive por hoy
그리스어 Ζήσε
불가리아어 Живей за днес..
라틴어 Vive pro hodierno
루마니아어 TrăieÅŸte pentru astăzi, învaţă de la ziua de ieri ÅŸi speră pentru mâine.
아라비아어 عش اليوم Ùˆ تعلم من الامس Ùˆ أمل في الغد
러시아어 Живи сегодняшним днем
노르웨이어 Lev idag
스웨덴어 Lev för idag, lär frÃ¥n igÃ¥r och ...
히브리어 ×—×™×” את היום, למד מן האתמול וקווה למחר
핀란드어 Elä tätä päivää..
폴란드어 Å»yj dla dnia dzisiejszego!
네덜란드어 live for today, learn from yesterday and hope for tomorrow
브라질 포르투갈어 Viva para o hoje, aprenda com o ontem e tenha esperança no amanhã.
카탈로니아어 Viu avui, apren d'ahir i tingues esperança en demà.
우크라이나어 живи сьогодні, вчися вчорашнім Ñ– сподівайся на завтра.
독일어 Lebe für heute...
헝가리어 Élj a mának, tanulj a tegnapból és reménykedj a holnapban.
터키어 Bugün'ü yaÅŸa...
알바니아어 jeto te sotmen, meso nga e djeshmja dhe shpreso per te nesermen.
원문 언어
이탈리아어 Amore mio da quando sei entrata nella mia vita...
Sei entrata a far parte della mia vita Raluca. il mio pensiero è a te e non vedo l'ora di rivederti, riabbracciarti, baciarti e coccolarti. Ti amo più di ogni altra cosa al mondo. Io non ti farò mai del male e voglio solo renderti felice.
La traduzione è per una ragazza

완성된 번역물
루마니아어 Ai ajuns să faci parte din viaÅ£a mea..
원문 언어
루마니아어 Totusi, dacă o vei face,
Totuşi, dacă o vei face, CINEVA AR PUTEA SĂ ZÂMBEASCĂ..aşa cum şi eu am zâmbit din nou când am văzut câţi prieteni mi l-au trimis înapoi

완성된 번역물
영어 Still, if you do it,
네덜란드어 glimlach
원문 언어
영어 Hope all is well with you! it is a great...
Hope all is well with you!

it is a great pleasure to contact you by e-mail in order to visit us in the interplast expo 2008& all pack 2008,bucharest!
we would like to share the updated news about full shine plasctic machinery,the leading Taiwan manufacturee of automatic extrusion blow molding machine,accumulative extrusion blow molding machinery,molds,oil filter,die heads and auxiliary equipment.
as dori ca textul sa fie tradus in limba romana,urgent..

완성된 번역물
루마니아어 Sper că totul este în regulă cu dumneavoastră!Este o mare
원문 언어
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영어 yesterday we went up the mountainside to the...
Yesterday we went up the mountainside to the township of Muktinath .The thin air there leaves you breathless.You feel you can`t go on.Even thing your bootlaces is difficult.We drank a lot of extra fluids to prevent altitude sickness.

완성된 번역물
루마니아어 Ieri am urcat pe muntele din apropierea.......
원문 언어
영어 What do you got going for you other ...
What do you got going for you other than your looks?

What do you want to be when you grow up? I mean, you could be anything with no chance of failure what would it be?

Don’t get too crazy! Allright?

Don't get any ideas sweetie … none

your nose wiggles when you talk

How do you hang out with this girl? You know, you can dress her up, but you cant take her anywhere.

완성된 번역물
루마니아어 Ce alte avantaje ai, în afară de ...
원문 언어
프랑스어 Vous nous avez adressé une demande ...
Vous nous avez adressé une demande de prestations. Nous avons donc étudié vos droits à partir du 01.09.2008. Pour 2008, la C.A.F. simplifie vos démarches! Une seule déclaration suffit : celle des impôts. La C.A.F. récupère vos revenus pour calculer vos droits.
<edit> with diacritics + spaces after dots</edit> (10/14/francky)

완성된 번역물
루마니아어 Ne-aÅ£i adresat o cerere ...
원문 언어
이탈리아어 Sono come te .Nulla ci divide,anche se ai tuoi...
Sono come te .Nulla ci divide,anche se ai tuoi occhi tutto può sembrare diverso.Io ho accettato te e amo tutto di te e desidero che capisci che nel mio cuore vivono solo le cose semplici e vere.Non mettere ostacoli,non esitare,se hai sentimenti per me dimostralo,voglio solo la tua felicità e sono qui per esserti vicino ..anche se le mie lacrime non sono riuscite a fartelo capire.Ti voglio bene non dimenticarlo mai

완성된 번역물
루마니아어 Sunt ca tine. Nimic nu ne desparte, chiar dacă în ...
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